Excerpt from my Book "Laughter in the rain by Donna L. Hall
In this life, one will experience disappointment, so much you may seem almost paralyzed in despair. But look up! God is ready to repair all of your doubts and fears. You see when you turn everything over to him, he will make you have Laughter in the rain. And oh, yes, I can also now laugh because he brings out the sunshine even while I am yet struggling with situations
I've learned that God is a Problem Solver. So, I can laugh, knowing full well that Jesus is a Rainbow in my darkest cloud. He is ready to see me through when all else seems to fall apart around me, and it looks like all hell is coming against me.
Just remember that Laughter in the rain will cause your mourning to turn into dancing. Your scars into stars. Your failures into victories. Your frowns into a smile, because with Jesus on your side, no matter how hard that it seems to rain, pour, thunder, lightning, and hail. Always know that Jesus said that he will be the Laughter in the rain.

Order your copy to heal from all past hurts, scars and to laugh and breathe again. At the bottom of each post you can click on my book to be directed where to go. If want an autographed copy, please leave a message at DonnaLaughterintherain58@gmail.com zYou can also comment on this post by clicking like and email icon click on to sign up for this Website Blog Ministry Site. Thanks so very much. God Bless You. #MrsDonna