By co-producing content and sharing it on each other's platforms, influencers will help you tap into new networks. For example, retailer GNC was able Business Email List to leverage this strategy to gain over 380,000 new fans on Facebook simply by accessing small niche groups online. Evaluate your ROI As with any marketing campaign, data-driven or Business Email List not, it's important to measure the critical aspects of what's working and what's not. This means that as you define your marketing goals, you should select key performance Business Email List indicators (KPIs) that will measure value and engagement.
It's easy to track sales, which is an essential component of effective Content Marketing. Remember to include other metrics like Business Email List customer retention rates and loyalty, along with engagement. Here are Business Email List some metrics to consider when designing a data-driven Content Marketing campaign. Traffic It is important to know Business Email List the size of the audience your content reaches. Also, you need to measure what percentage of the audience is actually your target audience. engagement rates Another important metric is to measure participation or engagement. If your audience is not engaging with your Business Email List content, you may need to consider changing your approach and materials in general conversion rates.
The purpose of a data-driven Content Marketing strategy is primarily to capture leads to convert. This is the most valuable Business Email List data of all, the ones that measure your conversion rates. Depending on your marketing goals, ask yourself questions like: what did your audience do after seeing or reading your content? Did the Business Email List subscribe to a newsletter? Did they go to the website? If so, how long did they stay there and how many pages did they click on? Did they download any content or share it on social networks? While data mining can be time-consuming, you will find that the effort is well worth it. This is Business Email List a targeted approach that allows you to connect with the right potential customers.