Sunday is a Rest Day. Sunday is a day that a lot of people go to Church. Sunday is a reminder that Monday is coming and it's back to work day for those of us who still have a 40 plus hour work week.
I personally love Sundays because I grew up going to Church. I love gathering together with the Saints to praise the Lord. Truly everyone in church isn't a Saint, but you do know that the house of the Lord is really for those who need help and healing. You can't become a Saint without accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior, and asking him to forgive you from all of your sins and acknowledging that He died on the cross and was raised on the 3rd day.
Whether you go to church or not, always thank the Lord for each new day that you were given. You didn't wake yourself up, but it was the Lord that woke you up to see another Sunday. I thank the Lord for each new day, but this post is about Sunday.
You can relax and recharge the body today, which you should, but don't forget to praise the LORD. Psalm 150:6 Let everything that has breath praise ye the Lord for he is good to us all. Happy Happy Happy Sunday to you all, and may the Lord bless you and keep you in his divine care. I will bless the Lord at all times and his praises shall continually be in my mouth.
I personally feel that one who loves the Lord should bless him 7 days a week and that the Church is in you and not in the building. The Assembling of ourselves together with believers is for us to grow in the Lord. It is good to get together with like minded people to help you grow stronger in the Lord and to know how to rightly divide the word of God.