IT'S ALREADY DONE!!!! Whatever that you are believing the Lord for. He has already done it for you. Psalms 52:9 I will praise you Lord forever for you have already done it for me. So why worry, why fret, why lose hope and give up. Jesus Christ is still a Promise Keeper.
There is only 1 DNA life mine. I am not a DUPLICATE. He made no mistakes when He created me. He knew that I would turn into a Tough Lady. I would face challenges but I would also come forth as pure gold. When God gets through with us, we are a finished child of God. You do not have to try to figure out how He is going to straighten out that hard situation that you are facing. Just trust His timing and the process of the situation.
Don't Doubt God. It may look like it is taking a while for it to come to pass, but always know that what God has promised you, He is more than able to perform it for you. IT IS ALREADY DONE. Say it out loud. IT IS ALREADY DONE. IT IS ALREADY DONE. Everything that God has promised me is already done. I will thank Him until I see my change come. For everything that He has promised me is YES AND AMEN.!!!! Don't question God, just begin to thank Him, because He is an on time God. Yes He Is.
