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Writer's pictureMrs.Donna

Let Jesus Fix Your Broken Pieces

Broken Pieces-Violent separated into parts; shattered broken windows, Damaged or altered by someone or something. You need to be put back together again.

Whether you've been traumatized by your past or someone who is currently in your life. It may be a job loss, broken family, divorce, separation of a loved one, feeling isolated, can't pay your bills, feeling of not wanted or not needed in life itself.

Devastation is a Real Feeling, I know what it is like to be Broken. Marriage, Church and even some family issues had played a part in me being Broken. Trying to deal with Rejection when you know that you have put forth your best just to be cast aside by the one that you trusted the most.

It feels like a piece of you has been ripped out. Abandonment. Anxiety, stress, and depression start to creep into your life where you feel Worthless. It is at this time that you need Counseling or Therapy or the Lord Jesus Christ to help fix your broken pieces. To put you back together again.

Loneliness seems to plague your mind. You feel as though those whom you love the most have forsaken you. You don't know where to turn. You turn to anxiety medication and nerve pills to try to numb the pain that is so real in you. You can't cope with life anymore, You even at times want a way out of everything.

Psalm 30:2 When we feel broken, all we have to do is cry out to our Lord and He will heal us and put us back together again.

Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.

God is more powerful than any earthly power. When we look to God for healing and salvation He will not disappoint.

Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Let the Lord heal you from the inside out. He is waiting on us asking for His help and guidance. You can't do it by yourself. You can't fix the situation but He is well able to perform it. He will never leave you not forsake you as He has promised but He will be with you always even unto the ends of the earth.

God specializes in those things which seem impossible and He will do what no other power can do, Try Him, run to Him, Jump in His arms. He will dry every tear that you shed. He bottles your tears in heaven. He knows everything that you are going through and face. He is very compassionate and understanding.

I talk to the Lord in the midnight hours a lot when everything is quiet. It is my Secret Place, and My Special Time with Him. He listens to my issues and He always gives me a song in the midnight hour to comfort me. I can cry in His arms and He never makes me feel worse but better for sharing my heart with Him.

I just love and adore Jesus Christ. He has always proven to be a very present help in times of trouble. He has become my very best friend. People will reject you and forsake you, but the Lord is a promise keeper. Run to Him. He is waiting on you even now.

Don't just read this post but do something about what you are facing and don't do it alone. Let the Lord heal you. He won't reject you like man. Amen somebody!!! Feel Free to leave a comment if this post has ministered in some way to you. Love you all in Jesus Christ name. MrsDonna Always Keeping it real.

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