Addictions. Addictions. Addictions. They come in many forms.
Sometimes we don't even realize that we are addicted to some things. It is usually something that we just have to have daily. I personally feel like I have to have a Wawa Decaf Coffee at some point but I don't have to have it daily, so I guess that's not an addiction, but when I do have it, I enjoy the hazelnut creamer that just taste so good to me.
I also feel like having a daily snack is almost a must after I eat my meal. I don't have to eat but 1 good size meal a day but I do feel like I need a snack or dessert. I think that would be a sugar addiction.
A Good thing that I incorporate in my daily life is the Word of God. I always talk about and write about the word of God daily upon waking up and throughout the day. That is a good addiction. I love spreading love and encouragement to everyone that I can. Those are good things that I feel like I must do.
It would be nice if I were addicted just a little bit to more exercise. I definitely need more discipline in this department. But some people are addicted to exercising and they can't skip a day without it. It's a good thing but not in excess to where it consumes you.
I think we all should do most things that we love in moderation instead of saying what we should or shouldn't do, that way hopefully we can get hold of the situation of what or why we do what we do.
Thank you Lord for helping me to stay more focused on what matters the most and that is my Relationship with you. That is something that I do on a daily basis and love doing it effortlessly. Thank you for leading and guiding me into all truth. Help me to not over indulge on things that are not the best for my body.
Help us all Lord to cast all of our cares upon you, for you care deeply about what we face. Help us not to turn to quick fixes to solve or suppress a situation, but that we give the situation over to you. Thank you for the things that you have already delivered me from doing in my past that was not good for my temple. Continue to help me in any area where I need more guidance. For your word says that you will lead and guide me into all truth.
I thank you and appreciate your daily leading me Lord Jesus. You are my Greatest Teacher. You are my very present help in times of trouble. Even when we don't always make the right choices and decisions, you are right there to help us get back up and stay on the right track. Thank you Lord for helping me to keep a repentant heart, and keep on renewing a right spirit within me. I need you Lord every step of the way for you are my hiding place. Always remain Lord over my life. You are my best friend and my Ultimate Fix.
Addictions can turn into a disease, but I am sure thankful that I feel addicted to you Lord Jesus and that brings me Great Joy and comfort. I love you Lord and thank you for daily giving me the mind to wanna serve you and encourage your people as well. You are my Peace of Mind. I Love you always. #MrsDonna