Gods Love Runs through my Veins, I live for love. I hunger for love. It is Gods love that lifts me no matter what I face. I've endured so many challenges. Failed Marriages, Relationships, Lost of loved ones, Insecurities, loneliness, rejection, depression, stress, addictions, panic attacks, heart palpitations, worry, anger, obesity, health challenges, church hurt, sexual promiscuity, rape, molestation, drug, alcohol, low self esteem, poverty, homelessness, etc.
What I teach about and share about on my Website/Blog I have been through a lot of it. It is my Story. If I can touch somebody's life to make a change for the better than this Bog is a WINNER. When God made me He didn't make any mistakes even though I use to think that I was a mistake and that I shouldn't be here because all I mainly experienced was REJECTION.
Here you will see, hear and experience what the Lord is doing in my life and what He is yet helping me with because I am yet a WORK IN PROGRESS. When God gets through with me, I shall come forth as pure Gold. Pray for me and with me that God will get the glory out of this Website Blog. Amen. #MrsDonna